Hi, I’m Kira DeDecker (“key-ra dee-decker”) and I’m a pet photographer serving Arizona’s greater Phoenix Metro area. Welcome to my blog! This is where I share not only my most recent work but also my life with you. Client sneak peeks, Facebook recaps, announcements, updates, awesome new offerings and the occasional (okay, frequent) story about my crazy but amazing life with my three dogs – Sox, Bixby and Waffles.
Pull up a chair and make sure it’s nice and comfy because you will want to stay awhile. It’s great to have you here!
Here is what happened in March…on my Facebook page.
Keeping it short and sweet today since this post is way overdue. So let’s kick it off with an adorable adoptable puppy.
A more dramatic B&A because sometimes I f’up royally.
Oh, and this adorable puppy, Jasper is up for adoption with Cavalier Rescue USA. He is such a cuddly, playful little dude!
Nom nom nom.
The secret to getting photos of the reclusive Waffles playing is to bring in his BFF, Bixby. Suddenly he lights up and starts running around the room. One day I will capture him with his favorite toy in the world…the waterbottle.
Summer is coming fast and hard and Bixby could not be more excited.
The minute she hears me turn on the faucet she comes running and sticks her face into water to chase it. Makes it interesting when I’m trying to water the plants, that’s for sure.
I had the opportunity to photograph the lovely Heather and her amazing dog, Just Jesse the Jack for an article in the latest issue of Modern Dog magazine! See more photos here.
Bixby (aka Wigglebutt) has a new habit of trying to play with me when I try to groom her. I have to give her credit, it does work surprisingly well.
(And OMG look at her teef, what a goober!)
A new twist on an ‘old’ photo.
Never forget Sox’s number one rule: Never touch his toy Hippy.
Just when I think my job can’t get any better I meet Gizmo and Harrison! Gizmo is rat terrier mix and Harrison is a Corgi.
A few things I should get out of the way: They are as soft and as friendly as they look.
Good news everyone, the Corgis are in bloom and Harrison is looking absolutely Corgeous.
(Oh my god, what is wrong with me – nothing because PUNS ARE AWESOME.)
Get in Touch!
As Seen On...
Glendale, AZ
Heck yeah cute dog pictures! @kiradedeckerphoto
The List
The Daily Dog Tag 1,2,3,4,5,6
Hair of the Dog 1,2,3
Pretty Fluffy 1,2
Itty Bitty & Fluffy 1,2,
Healthy Paws
PAWSH Magazine & Studio
Joy Session 1,2,3
Beautiful Beasties 1,2,3,4
Kira DeDecker | info@kiradedecker.com | Arizona Pet Photography
April 10th, 2014 at 1:24 pm
Gizmo and Harrison are beyond cute! (So are your three!)